The Move....

I have decided to continue by blog at a new location. Please adjust your bookmarks. The new location is:

Thursday, July 08, 2004

July 9th, 2004

Ok....let's try this again before I am too tired to do anymore. I will not promise to be good and write everyday. This is what I want to do but I just don't. I have no excuse. Anyway, here's what is happening.....

I finished my Advertising Graphic class at UCO. I don't know my grade yet but I would think I got an A. It was fun. I also wrote a couple letters to the editor at the Vista, the college paper. One was disputed by another student. I wrote back my response but they didn't print it. It was fun.

I have another article coming out in Oklahoma Woman. It is suppose to hit the streets tomorrow. Pam an I are going out to Jimmy's Egg so I will see if it has been delivered then.

Poor Liz. Her son will need heart surgery. She's really afraid for him. She is too nice a person to have this happen. I keep telling God, make bad things happened to bad people and that'll straighten them out.

Oh man, I got to go to bed. More tomorrow.