The Move....

I have decided to continue by blog at a new location. Please adjust your bookmarks. The new location is:

Friday, August 31, 2007

The Holiday is Here

Yeah! Three whole days of doing my own thing! So psyched.

This is new to me; this being off and not thinking about work. Before I changed jobs, I was at work every Saturday (or or the other) even on a holiday weekend. When I left there, I was kind of lost on Saturday. I didn't know what to do with myself. I know, you're thinking that's nuts. It's weird for me though. Work defines me; it gives me a reason to get up. I don't think I could ever work from home...well, not for someone else. I would be too tempted to sleep in; to say to myself "oh, I'll work late or through my lunch." I don't think I'd be disciplined enough.

This is going to sound crazy to many of you, but I'm still not sure what to do with my weekends. Oh yes, there's laundry and cleaning but (yawn) work at least stimulated me (mentally, silly) I signed up for a tiling class at Home Depot for tomorrow. Phil and I are going to look at a workout place to possibly join. There's always the thrift stores to check out. And yard sales.

I'll figure it out.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Home Alone

My husband went home for a few days. I am home and Lucky Dog doing some mother/doghter bonding. I, once again, feel bad that I am happy for this time alone. I told Phil, "No offense, but I am enjoying this time." I think he thinks it's a testiment to "us" like I'd rather be on my own. It's not though; it's just a great opportunity for me to do my own thing when I want to do it. This is what I have done:
  • Ran errands all day (had the day off from work)
  • Went shopping
  • Went to garage sales
  • Bought a Sara Lee Coconut Cream pie and I'm eating it all! Not in one sitting but it's all mine! I don't even use a plate, just started eating it right from the tin. (I am using a fork though)
  • Watched whatever I wanted on three of the TVs in the house (ran from room to room while I was picking up the place)\
  • Did laundry
  • Picked up the place

You are no doubt thinking I'm out of control. I know it.

Monday, August 13, 2007

What's happening..

Well, we took Duchess back. We didn't ask for a refund. I felt bad; felt like I let her down...but this is what happens when you try to bite me. I'm just like that.

We did find another dog this past Saturday. She is six years old...a Dachshund Mix...very lovely dovely..perhaps too lovely dovely. She's pretty sprye for a 6 year old. She is so funny too. She hides her dog dish, guess she's not so keen on dry dog food. I am much happier with a dog that doesn't want, or appear to want, to take a chunk out of me. We named her Lucky Dog. In German it is Glucklich Hund. Lucky Dog is much easiler. She really seems to know her name. The OKC pound had named her Greta, a nice German name, but she did not respond to it. The pound tatoos numbers on each dog belly, for ID purposes of course. We thought maybe they may be lucky numbers so we played them in the PowerBall. Not a one came in. I guess we are just lucky to have a nice new to us doggy.

Here's her picture..

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Oh What to Do?

Phil and I adopted a dog today. Her name is Duchess and she's eight years old. I felt okay that she was older because she'd be pretty mild mannered, calm...just sleep a lot. She was a little apprehensive of us at first but we figured she was just being shy and unsure of us. At the adoption place, she started to warm up to us. The lady put her on the bench next to me and she stopped shaking and all was well. On the way home, she was on Phil's lap. She wasn't shaking or appearing nervous. We were thinking, this is so great. We're going to be a family.

A couple hours into our new life, she got weird. She hid in an area near the windows. Phil went to pet her and she snapped at him. We figured she just needed more time. Phil backed off. A little while later, I went to pet her and she snapped at me too. I really want this to work but I can't live with a dog that I'm afraid of. She has to go back. I feel so sad. I called the lady at the adoption place. She says she was kind of nippy when she first came to them but she warmed up to them. I should give her more time but for some reason, I can't. I want a friendly dog. I'm sorry this is not part of Duchess's make up...I thought it would be but it's clear to me it is not. I am very sad.