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Sunday, August 05, 2007

Oh What to Do?

Phil and I adopted a dog today. Her name is Duchess and she's eight years old. I felt okay that she was older because she'd be pretty mild mannered, calm...just sleep a lot. She was a little apprehensive of us at first but we figured she was just being shy and unsure of us. At the adoption place, she started to warm up to us. The lady put her on the bench next to me and she stopped shaking and all was well. On the way home, she was on Phil's lap. She wasn't shaking or appearing nervous. We were thinking, this is so great. We're going to be a family.

A couple hours into our new life, she got weird. She hid in an area near the windows. Phil went to pet her and she snapped at him. We figured she just needed more time. Phil backed off. A little while later, I went to pet her and she snapped at me too. I really want this to work but I can't live with a dog that I'm afraid of. She has to go back. I feel so sad. I called the lady at the adoption place. She says she was kind of nippy when she first came to them but she warmed up to them. I should give her more time but for some reason, I can't. I want a friendly dog. I'm sorry this is not part of Duchess's make up...I thought it would be but it's clear to me it is not. I am very sad.

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