The Move....

I have decided to continue by blog at a new location. Please adjust your bookmarks. The new location is:

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Why not be happy?

They say that everyone is fighting some battle. I know. Life is so unpredictable and it can be awful. My battles, fortunately, don't include any kind of life-threatening illness...or at least none that I know of. I am so blessed for this and I am thankful. I thank God every night for all the great things he puts in my path; for keeping my family safe and for giving me nice people; good people to work with, be friends with.

My battles are fairly benign. I struggle with a career that I don't feel I own. I feel it's not mine; I just rent it. I try to call my own shots and I guess mostly I do but there is so much I can't do without approval. I struggle with being articulate to convey my ideas and I find my inabilty to do so hinders me. Like so many people, I have lost loved ones and the weight of that loss is heavy on me but as time goes on, fortunately, it is getting lighter.

I find that most of my struggles come from other people, from their disposition towards me. Yes, I know...I allow this to be an issue. I just can't understand why everyone is NOT happy and willing to show it. I know everyone handles stress differently; I get that but to be short, moody and withdrawn just because you're busy..that just doesn't jive with me. At work we are all busy. You can only get so much done in a day and being short with people, frowning, waving them away like a gnat...isn't going to make your load any less. So where's the logic?

Life is just too short to be short. There is nothing good to come out of being grumpy or negative. Nothing! So why? I just don't get it. Now if you are always moody, which I guess wouldn't make you moody because moody would illustrate a high and a low; if you are always in a funk...okay, I'll cut you some slack. If this is how you want to spend your life, whatever. But if you dabble in good uplifting moods from time to time and find some kind of kick out of lulling your co-workers into a false sense of commorodity...well, knock it off. Eventually they are going to catch on; throw their hands in the air and be done with you.

Monday, January 04, 2010

Lunch hour Rambling

It's a new year. Wow. On New Year's Eve, it dawned me that the new century is starting too. For some reason I kept thinking it starts next year. Of course it starts on the zero; what was I thinking?

Truth of the matter is, I have nothing to blog about. Not really. It's back to reality and quite frankly, reality sucks. Oh...I know! It can get so much worse...I have absolutely no right to complain. It just feels so lackluster. But I don't know what I was expecting.
I am giving up phospheric Acid. No more diet Dr Pepper (my favorite is with cherry); no more Coke, Pepsi and a number of other softdrinks. This acid is not what an osteopenia woman should be consuming on a regular bases. So, I'm going cold turkey. For lent I'm going to give up all sodas and eventually I will kick the caffeine. But one thing at a time.
I found a can in the frig here at work and my heart raced a little and I actually yelled out, "Oh no!" My friends sitting in the lunch room asked me what was wrong. I showed them the can and didn't hide my disappointment that I had to NOT drink it. It so much had my name on it! But I was good.
Well, that's all for this lunch hour.