The Move....

I have decided to continue by blog at a new location. Please adjust your bookmarks. The new location is:

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

My Dad

Karl Dinkuhn
2/28/1930 - 3/30/09

He was a happy guy.

Dad and his cousin, Marion looking like Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Here's 10 things I believe on this Saturday morning...

  1. There is something morally, ethically, politically, physically, and any other "-ly" word wrong with waking up on a Saturday morning at 4 with an awful sinus headache. There's absolutely no logic to it.

  2. There is no devil. I don't know if the devil is mentioned in the Bible but it doesn't matter because I refuse to believe it. To believe it would lend him too much credit and I refuse to give him that credit.

  3. It all comes down to perception.

  4. If there is a will; there is a way.

  5. You are NEVER too busy to stay in touch with a family member or friend. Simple as that.

  6. The word "retreat" has a connotation of relaxation, a stress-free environment, a pleasant experience. It is called a "retreat" so others who are NOT on one will feel envious. So, don't turn around and say it was busy, hectic and I wish I could have spent my time more productively. If that is the case, don't call it a "retreat." Call it a Committee Meeting and see item #3 above.

  7. Just because I don't forward emails doesn't mean I don't believe in God or that you and I are not friends.

  8. Since my husband's back to work - even at a lower income - I really don't feel the recession.

  9. Obama is not trying to bankrupt the nation.

  10. I really need to get in shape.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Time to write

Okay...I have 10 minutes to write something. It's not going to be thought provoking or anything wonderful. Heck I'd be happy if all it is is grammatically correct at this point. I have an idea of a novel..well, I think it could be an novel. I started it. It made me feel good to at least do that. I know if I just sat down for a bit and just wrote and wrote and wrote (okay type) something would come of it. I have no idea why I just can't do it. All day at work, I think of things I could write about and then when I can do it; I don't. It's kind of like when I leave the house in the morning. I see all the house cleaning I could do if I were home. When I am home, though...I don't do it. Is that what Jim Crouse was saying in his Time in a Bottle song? There never seems to be enough time to do the things you want to when you find them. I think it is.

I'm off to my class - The Joy of Writing!