The Move....

I have decided to continue by blog at a new location. Please adjust your bookmarks. The new location is:

Sunday, September 25, 2005

I am a lamb.....Baaaaa

You Are A: Lamb!

lambPeaceful and gentle, lambs have been used in religious imagery for millennia. Lambs are baby sheep, an animal tended by shephards since the dawn of history. As a lamb, you tend to stay together in a flock and graze on grassy land. Lambs don't mind being led and tend not to go off on their own.

You were almost a: Groundhog or a Duckling
You are least like a: Turtle or a ChipmunkWhat Cute Animal Are You?

Monday, September 19, 2005


Dedicated, creative, computer literate individual would like to work for a company who values a good work ethic; who believes in supporting its employees as the employees do their job to better the company; who doesn't tolerant big-headness or a "that ain't my job" attitude; who expects its employees to work together "for the cause"; who embraces the employees other talents that may not fall in their job description; who believes in their employees and actually asks for their input on how to do something better; who gives freely their encouragement and tries to make the workplace a fun place to work.

Dream on, right?

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

It's just 'stuff"

I had a conversation today with a lady at work about the victims of Katrina. She is suppose to get a displaced family to come and live with her and her daughter. Although I admire her good-nature and big heart, I told her that I don't think I could do it. I'm not so trusting. I work all day. What would this family do while I was gone? I know, I'm too cynical but I can just imagine my laptop, 34" screen televlsion, stereo, CD collection just walking out the door of my home. I told her this. She said, "It's just stuff. If they need it that bad, then so be it...they can take it."

Yeah, it's just stuff but it's my stuff. And yes, the chances of this family being a good family is greater the chances of them being bad people. I guess I believe that. But you just never know and that's what stops me.

I believe my things are things and that if a hurricane or tornato (I'm in Oklahoma, remember) came through and took them from me but left my husband, dog and me in tact, I would be very grateful. Losing them would not be so bad. But if they left me because of someone else's doing, that would be something different. If that makes me materialistic...well, I am.

I am helping out someone who is a victim of Katrina. My friend, John, has a gentleman staying with him who has been displaced. His name is Jose and although I haven't met him yet, I want to help. I put up a flyer at work asking for donations of clothing. I have some people willing and able (they have clothes that will fit him) to donate. I'm glad for that.

I do feel like I'm doing my part. Yes, I could do more, but something is better than nothing, right?

Monday, September 05, 2005

The holiday is over...

Today I took a nap in the middle of the day! And you know why I took a nap? Because I could!!!! Man, I love days like that. I wasn't overly constructive but we did do some things today that needed to get done. We trimmed the hedges. Did laundry. Cooked some foods to have during the week. Life is good.

We also re-connected with our neighbors across the street. I'm so happy for that opportunity. I feel so isolated from my neighbors and I know it is partly my fault because I don't always put myself out there. I think about it a lot but I am a little shy, I guess. Phil is even worse than me. Of course, once the ice is broken we are good.

I remember when our neighbors next door moved in. Phil and I were like Doug and Carrie on The King of Queens.

We had visions of a nice mid-age couple without kids (or grown kids) from out of town who knew nobody so we could become fast friends...maybe even put a gate in between our fences for easy access to each other's yard. Or maybe get one of those pool ladders to straddle the fence. We'd sit in one of our yards, drink beer, maybe get one of those outdoor fireplace so we could sit out there all year round. Of course we'd go over to each other houses, play dominos, eat pizza, watch football.

When they moved in, I wanted to go over pretty quick as they know, stake our claim "They're our friends, gosh darn it!" Phil was more resistant. He wanted to wait but as I walked over, he followed me...tagging along. We went though the usual stuff, names, where they are from, occupations, etc. It was good but far from my visions. Oh, they are nice people but they have lived here all their lives. They don't need any more friends and they are surrounded by family. So we are just on a first name over the fence bases.

We have never gotten invited over. Yes, I haven't invited them either but that is because my house isn't child proof and what do you do with two little kids while the adults pay dominos. It would be so much easier if they invited us over. It's been two yaars and it hasn't happened. Phil and I are okay with it, just wish it was different.

I think about the reports you hear on the news where one neighbor is slain in their house and the other neighbor says to the news camera, "Oh, they just kept to themselves. It's a real shame," as they nod their head in disbelief. I don't want to be like that. I really want a sense of a community. I guess I will have to work on this.