The Move....

I have decided to continue by blog at a new location. Please adjust your bookmarks. The new location is:

Friday, July 31, 2009

Racial Profiling

Okay, I am not educated in the matter of racial profiling but I still have an opinion. Please feel free to correct me if I am wrong but what are the authorities to do? Wasn't it Muslins who are responsible for the first World Trade attack and then 911? No? So if a Muslin in full garb wants to fly in any airplane, is it wrong for security to be concerned? No? I don't get that. Yes, not ALL Muslins are bad, actually only a few are but if I get run over by a red car, doesn't it make sense to want to steer clear of red cars? That seens like a normal reaction.

Now if I, a white woman, is walking down the street with a black man and the black man gets singled out because a crime as occurred but I don't...okay..that's bad.

I just don't know what the authorities are to do as they try to protect our country. I know, I'm quite the naivette (is that a word?)

When I walk through the perfume section of a department store, the lady wants to spray me because I'm a female. Is that gender profiling? Maybe I don't like perfume. Just because I'm a woman, she shouldn't assume I like it.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Dream House? More like a Nightmare

I just happened to watch the tail end of a show on the DYI Network. This husband and wife built their "dream house". First of all, how does hiring a bunch of contractors to do most of the work count as DIY? Because you pay for it?

Secondly...this couple was so happy to have this new 3800 square foot home. It was, no doubt, beautiful and spacious. It even came with customized little kid sinks in the kids bathroom! Very cool. But how can it be a dream when your new mortgage payment is $3800 a month! Holy crap. These people are not famous celebrates or Jon and Kate..just average Joes building a life. The man says into the camera, "I have to keep telling myself, 'this is mine!'" Um...excuse it's not: it's the banks! These poor people are one short layoff away from financial ruin. Where's Dave Ramsey when you need him?

I truly hope the DIY Network is going to slip them a couple mortgage payments. It is absolutely insane. I'd never want to be in that kind of debt. And I never will.