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Saturday, September 26, 2009

I'm done belly aching

Crap happens. Let's move on. I'm tired of injustice, feeling cheated and sad. I don't want anymore discouraging discouraging talk. Don't tell me the walls are falling apart around you, embrace the breeze.

Don't go on and on about how the Bills suck and are a waste of time...they are who they are and they're not going away. Celebrate the victories and ignore the defeats.

I happen to think Obama rocks! Don't be a part of the problem; be a part of the celebration. He's not going away. Embrace his ideas, his ideals. Show a little respect. I believe in my heart, he's not here to ruin America. He's out to try his best to solve our problems...adversity isn't going to help! Let's get on the bandwagon.

Sometimes people will disappoint you.'s going to happen but believe they are in your life for a you can distinguish the winners from the losers. Ignore the losers, you have only so much time...use it on the winners; not the winers.

This is my own pep talk. I thought I'd just share it. ;)

Go Bills!