The Move....

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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

You know those emails...

..that say "if you believe in God, you will forward this on." I believe in God but I find these emails insulting. Does God's opinion of me really hinge on whether or not I forward these emails?

Or what about the 'I love you' emails. Okay, I have friends that I can say I really care about, and maybe I love them to some degree but would I help them move? Maybe one or two of them but not half my office. I care about them but I'm not so sure on the love part. I think there are other people in my office who are getting weary of these emails too. I'm getting them from people I don't know because the sender is just hitting "reply to all" in an effort to save time.

With these emails you want to forward them because you don't want people to think you don't love them. And it's not so much that you really love them but if one of them says she loves another then by golly I love them too. It's a almost political. I'd like to send out a disclaimer.
"If i don't forward an email but you get it from another, just know I love you and I believe in God, okay?"