The Move....

I have decided to continue by blog at a new location. Please adjust your bookmarks. The new location is:

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

If I had my way....

  • Everyone would greet their co-workers with a cheerful "Good morning!"
  • Everyone would acknowledge the people around them.
  • When your co-worker left work, he or she would call out to you, "Have a great day!" Or at least a quick, "See ya."
  • Your boss wouldn't take your idea, rework it a bit, and call it her/his own.
  • No company could outsource to anywhere just because they can save a few bucks.
  • CEO's, despite working for a "private" company, could NOT make more in a year what the collective staff makes in a year.
  • People were not in it for the money. Doctors were in it to help people; senators were in it to make a difference, teachers were in it to teach.
  • The VP of your company would take you out for lunch on your birthday.
  • Creativity would be encouraged even if it wasn't on your job description.