The Move....

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Saturday, March 27, 2010

Here's 10 things I believe on this Saturday morning...

  1. There is something morally, ethically, politically, physically, and any other "-ly" word wrong with waking up on a Saturday morning at 4 with an awful sinus headache. There's absolutely no logic to it.

  2. There is no devil. I don't know if the devil is mentioned in the Bible but it doesn't matter because I refuse to believe it. To believe it would lend him too much credit and I refuse to give him that credit.

  3. It all comes down to perception.

  4. If there is a will; there is a way.

  5. You are NEVER too busy to stay in touch with a family member or friend. Simple as that.

  6. The word "retreat" has a connotation of relaxation, a stress-free environment, a pleasant experience. It is called a "retreat" so others who are NOT on one will feel envious. So, don't turn around and say it was busy, hectic and I wish I could have spent my time more productively. If that is the case, don't call it a "retreat." Call it a Committee Meeting and see item #3 above.

  7. Just because I don't forward emails doesn't mean I don't believe in God or that you and I are not friends.

  8. Since my husband's back to work - even at a lower income - I really don't feel the recession.

  9. Obama is not trying to bankrupt the nation.

  10. I really need to get in shape.

1 comment:

Maria Polson Veres said...

I love #7... and the perception pyramid, too. Powerful stuff!