The Move....

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Friday, August 17, 2007

Home Alone

My husband went home for a few days. I am home and Lucky Dog doing some mother/doghter bonding. I, once again, feel bad that I am happy for this time alone. I told Phil, "No offense, but I am enjoying this time." I think he thinks it's a testiment to "us" like I'd rather be on my own. It's not though; it's just a great opportunity for me to do my own thing when I want to do it. This is what I have done:
  • Ran errands all day (had the day off from work)
  • Went shopping
  • Went to garage sales
  • Bought a Sara Lee Coconut Cream pie and I'm eating it all! Not in one sitting but it's all mine! I don't even use a plate, just started eating it right from the tin. (I am using a fork though)
  • Watched whatever I wanted on three of the TVs in the house (ran from room to room while I was picking up the place)\
  • Did laundry
  • Picked up the place

You are no doubt thinking I'm out of control. I know it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh, Eva,
You are so funny. Your post made me chuckle. Especially the three tv's going and you running back and forth, catching snippits from each.
And then you had to mention the cream pie??!!
Alright, I'm just going to have to go out and get something sweet to eat - in my case, something with evap. cane juice, cause I don't eat sugar.
I'm thinkin' one of those cartons of soy dream and, I'm with you, forget about the bowl - I'm eatin' straight out of the carton!
Have a great rest of the night!