The Move....

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Friday, August 31, 2007

The Holiday is Here

Yeah! Three whole days of doing my own thing! So psyched.

This is new to me; this being off and not thinking about work. Before I changed jobs, I was at work every Saturday (or or the other) even on a holiday weekend. When I left there, I was kind of lost on Saturday. I didn't know what to do with myself. I know, you're thinking that's nuts. It's weird for me though. Work defines me; it gives me a reason to get up. I don't think I could ever work from home...well, not for someone else. I would be too tempted to sleep in; to say to myself "oh, I'll work late or through my lunch." I don't think I'd be disciplined enough.

This is going to sound crazy to many of you, but I'm still not sure what to do with my weekends. Oh yes, there's laundry and cleaning but (yawn) work at least stimulated me (mentally, silly) I signed up for a tiling class at Home Depot for tomorrow. Phil and I are going to look at a workout place to possibly join. There's always the thrift stores to check out. And yard sales.

I'll figure it out.

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