The Move....

I have decided to continue by blog at a new location. Please adjust your bookmarks. The new location is:

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Life Goes On

It's been a while since I wrote here. I started a new blog where I write to my momma. It's kind of like when I used to call her every day or she'd call me. I just want to tell her the stuff going on inside my head. Sometimes it's a lot, sometimes not so much.

If there's one thing I have decided since losing her is that I want to be connected. I hate that I don't know my neighbors, that I don't have that sense of community in my life. I am trying to start a Resident Association. I am also thinking about joining a church.

I made up a flyer to hand out to my neighbors. Maybe I'll do it tomorrow. I'm little apprehensive about it though. I'm so afraid of not getting a warm, happy reaction. Guess I don't take reject well. The problem with finding a church, and I've talked about this before, is that I have no interest in learning the Bible. None. I just want to be a good person who meets up with good people who do constructive things for people. Maybe I need to join a volunteer program. I don't know.

Life has been so different without my momma to talk to. Planning a trip home doesn't have the same urgency as it used to. I guess that's normanl.

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