The Move....

I have decided to continue by blog at a new location. Please adjust your bookmarks. The new location is:

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Liberty Fest: Taste of Edmond

We just got back from the Taste of Edmond. This is a huge part of Edmond's Liberty Fest (which was rated as CNN top 10 places to be over the July 4th Weekend). And it's great...they have many vendors donating the food that is a favorite at their respective restaurant...they have many people helping out...and they have a great venue. It's all theory!

The problem is so many people partake. Normally this is a good thing but here, it's wall to wall people and there's all these lines to wait in but the lines are schewd, overlapping each other and you don't know what vendor you're in line for until you get closer.

By my fourth line, I had had it. It wasn't fun anymore. It was endless waiting, juggling the item you rec'd in the last line you waited in for 15 minutes along with your drink, dodging strollers and people who don't believe they are supposed to say, "excuse me" before crossing in front of you so they could get to another line.

I hate to be a killjoy but....I probably will not be going next year.

If it were up to me, I think it should be set up like this. Seat the people and have the vendor's hire highschool kids to bring their fare to each table. I'm all for this. Instead of having 3000 people running around; have 300. This makes more sense to me..but it's not up to I'll get off my high horse and go watch Password.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Just call us Gramma and Grampa

I finally got around to visiting the new neighbors. They moved in across the street about 3 weeks ago. I've been meaning to go over to welcome them to the neighborhood. They appear to be a very nice young couple with a 5 year old daughter. I would guess they are in their mid-20's.

We had a pleasant conversation about the usual...what we did for a living, how long we've been in Edmond..blah blah blah...but I swear things came to a screeching halt when he said, "I think you and your husband are probably the oldest couple on the street."

"Oh righty then!"

I didn't stay long after that and as I left I did have this overwhelming urge to say, "Well, I gotta go...I think the Ex-lax is kicking in and it's almost time for my Geritol."

Or I should have asked if he had any tennis balls for the feet of my walker.

I told Phil that next time he sees him to say, "Hey how ya doing there son?"

It's kind of strange to be thought of as "old." I'm not sure I've earned it.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

I just don't care....

Right now, I just don't care if Obama is the son of Osama. I don't care if polar bears are in danger because Bush has signed some bill or something giving oil companies permission to find oil in the Chukchi Sea. I don't care who becomes president in November. I don't care about Kobi Bryant or the housing bubble or same-sex unions going on in CA.

Right now, all I care about is my dad; about the tumors returning to his bladder. If they are and they have to remove them the surgery will probably push back his surgery to repair an embolism in his aorta which will push back the surgery to remove the bladder. He's had enough road blocks! That's what he calls them. If you read this, please pray he will be better. That's all I care about right now.
(Notice the remote in his hand. Such a natural pose!)

Monday, June 02, 2008

Oh this makes sense..

I don't watch The Bacholette but I see the many many promos. It looks like they are trying something new.

They're bringing in the authority in men who wear boxes...yes, Ellen DeGeneres! They decided the show apparently needed someone who knows men! Yep, that'll be Ellen!