The Move....

I have decided to continue by blog at a new location. Please adjust your bookmarks. The new location is:

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My New Penpal

I have a pen pal. I real ink to paper snail mail pen pal. The fun thing is, we share the same name; first and last! It is so cool.

This Eva lives in New Hampshire. She's 90 years old...going on 91 in January. She was a hair dress for 50 years. She walks a mile or two each day. "The doctor says it's the best medication," she writes me. She's still not sure who to vote for next month.

I hope she looks forward to my letters as much as I look forward to hers.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Aw...someone's messin' with me...

The strangest thing happened. is so freaky. Today I went to the car wash. I used my credit card in the machine. I put the receipt and the card on the passenger seat. I was kind of in a hurry because the car wash attendant was waving me on.

So I went through the car wash. When I got back to work, I started to look for my credit card. I found the sales slip but not the card. I looked all over the seat, on the floor, felt under the card. I got out of the car and went to the passenger side and carefully opened the door in case the card was going to fall out. No card. I did another search of the seat, the floor, under the seat, in the back card.

After work, I got in the car and did another search. No card.

When I got home I pulled into the garage and closed the door and did a complete search, taking everything out. The car is only 2 months old..there's not much in there. I pulled the seat forward and looked all over the floor in front and back. I pulled the seat back and searched some more. No card. It was making me nuts. I gave up and told Philip, my credit card is gone! Completely gone. Fell off the face of the earth. I was pissed.

I went into the house. Phil comes in behind me, "Here you go sweetheart," he says and hands me the card. I mean it! He says he just found it in the back seat floor. There is no way in God's green earth I could have not seen this! It was like magic! I still can't believe it.

Yep...some one's messin' with me. I just know it.