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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My New Penpal

I have a pen pal. I real ink to paper snail mail pen pal. The fun thing is, we share the same name; first and last! It is so cool.

This Eva lives in New Hampshire. She's 90 years old...going on 91 in January. She was a hair dress for 50 years. She walks a mile or two each day. "The doctor says it's the best medication," she writes me. She's still not sure who to vote for next month.

I hope she looks forward to my letters as much as I look forward to hers.


Jessica said...

Another Eve Webdiva? What are the odds?

Very cool...I bet she really looks forward to your letters.

someone else said...

Letter writing seems to be a lost art. How cool for the two of you.

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