The Move....

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Sunday, November 02, 2008

Tummy tuck there, Lypo there

I used to be one of those ladies who insisted I would not have work done to my body even if I could afford it. I'd say this is how God made me, this is how I am meant to be. This was, of course, when I was younger. Only young people really mean it. Young, perky things with nice skin.

Now I find myself bantering at the dermatologists; asking how they need to submit the claim to the insurance company. "Isn't mole removal medically necessary?"

"Can't the doctor recommended moisturizers be charged based on income?"

Now as I approach my "late" 40's - Gawd how did this happen - I am singing a different tune. I'd just have a little face lift...that's all. Just would like to find my cheekbones, my real chin....nothing much.

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