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Sunday, November 09, 2008

Obama, Political Correctness and all that

I don't believe this is a victory for African Americans! Sorry, I just don't. I think it's a victory for all Americans. I really don't think we need to bring race into this. So what if he's half black? Even if he was all doesn't mean anything. I know that many African American people will think differently; like they finally arrived. But it's not the color of his skin that people voted for; it's the ideas he has, the thought process, the likeability, the relatibility...that's what did it.

You hear on the news different African American saying how proud they are "as an 'African American'" This makes it about race. If McCain had won, you would never hear a white person single out their pride because of being white. It would be wrong. We are trained to refrain from making those kinds of statements. Turn about is fair play. It's not a racial issue. That's my two cents.


Jessica said...

I cannot even describe how much I agree with everything you just said!

Anonymous said...

I am just afraid of all the negitive statements. I think the United States had become extreamly violent in the past 8 years. I just hope it will change.