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Thursday, February 26, 2009

Here's My take...

Okay...the bill has been's going to happen this way so we need to stop fighting it. I know, I know, there are so many who feel this is the wrong path. I can't say I disagree with you but the reality of it all is that it is what it is and we have to stop fighting it. Being against the Stimulus Package is fine but it's how it is! Like gotta do it! Yeah, you can kick and scream and hope and pray but it's still going to happen. Stop fighting it.

My biggest fear is that so many on-air personalities (Rush, Quinn & Rose and just about 90% of those on XM radio) are going to feed into the lazy American..enable them to be..well, lazy. This mass complacency will take over. "Well, the whole thing was stupid so let's screw the government and take them for all we can." People won't really look for work. Why bother if the benefits are there to stay on unemployment? What the media needs to do is embrace the programs this bill allows and talk it up in a positive light. Echo the enthusiasm that President Obama has! Talk it up...we CAN get up out of this if we all do our part.

There are many people I hear saying, "why should I bail out people who were so stupid to get themselves into a situation where they can't make their mortgage payment?" My answer...
because we are Americans and this is what Americans do...
they help each other out. If you're going to get mad about helping out your neighbor than get mad and the lower class woman whose biggest ambition is to have children just so they can stay on the dole! That's infuriating. Social Services are suppose to be a temporary thing but so many are born into the system and think it's a way of life. That's wrong. Get mad at the people who deliberately fry their brains on drugs just so they can get disability benefits and not have to face reality. Yeah, we all know that often reality sucks but life is what you make it....just as my blog is titled.

We need to come together, support our President and keep our chins up. We also need to all do our part to make this work! We have to! All of you!

1 comment:

bubba said...

Nice post. I'm not sure how I feel about the stimulus plan, I'm just hoping they got it right enough to get us out of this situation.

I really like this part of Obama's 2010 budget "Inheriting a Legacy of Misplaced Priorities". It really hits the nail on the head: