The Move....

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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

My Dad

This evening I sat next to my dad's bed at hospice. Each time I looked to see if he was breathing I felt relieved to see that he was. I know it is better for him to go but still I was relieved.

I talked to my friend Liz back in Oklahoma. She said that she felt that my mom was in my dad's room with me tonight. After I hung up I said out loud to my mom that she needed to take my dad to heaven with her. Not 30 minutes passed when I looked at my dad and noticed his breathing had slowed down. I held his hand and told him it was okay. He took his last breathes and he was gone. I truly believe my mom played a role in this.

His new journey has just begun. I find peace knowing he too is at peace.

Thanks Jess for your prayers.


Anonymous said...

Oh, Eva
Liz called me this morning and I am so understanding of your feelings. I know how hard it is to loose your dad but then so glad you are there. I miss that I can only be here for you and not there. All my love and prayers are with you and your family.
Deb-your OHN buddy.


Thank you so much Deb. It is truly comforting to know I have such great friends and support...even those far away. I appreciate you.