The Move....

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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Dr Seuss said it...

“Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.”

1 comment:

Jessica said...

I just read your comment about Mother's Day...oh my gosh. That would have been HORRIBLE. I'm not sure how I would have handled it. Honsetly, I probably would have gone in and spoken with the CEO or sent him/her and e-mail and told them the kind of hurt that causes women who 1) cannot have children or are suffering from infertility treatments and 2) the women who have miscarried or lost children.

That is SO insensitive. I'm so sorry you had to face that. Makes me so angry and makes me realize how much education is still needed.

And pets ARE children. I don't think our marriage would have survived without our cat, Faith. We poured everything into her..and still do, actually!