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Friday, November 13, 2009

It's all in my head?

My back has been bothering me quite a bit. An Wednesday, I was in tears. This was a new pain for me. It was in my tailbone area. If I pushed on my tailbone, it didn't hurt. The only time it hurt was sitting and then rising from sitting. I had never felt this before. I emailed one of the ladies at work who is the office manager for an ortho doc near my office. She set me up for a visit with this doc for Thursday morning.

Thursday morning came and as I drove to the office of this clinic, I realized there wasn't much pain anymore. I can't explain it. How can I be in tears one day and then less than 24 hours later, not be in pain. This tailbone pain had been bothering me for days. And then it was gone.

I wonder if some of my pain issues are just in my head. Could it be? Or maybe it was divine intervention. I thing I'll go with that.