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Saturday, February 20, 2010

Tiger and me?

Okay, here's the thing, what Tiger did was wrong. Yeah, it was but what surprises me even more is that I really don't care. I have absolutely no emotional investment in him. I rarely watched him on TV; rarely gave him much thought. I know I felt bad for him when his dad passed away because I know how hard that is to lose a parent but aside from that...nothing. I see friends on Facebook post about how disgusted they were with him. Even local news, whose only connection with Tiger is that he once played in a golf tournament here, has had "Rant" segments and opinion surveys asking the viewers if they thought he was sincere in his apology. I can't even answer it. Mostly because I just don't give a darn. And because my life basically centers around me, I have to question whether maybe something is wrong with me. Why don't I care? I've never wished anything bad on him; never wished for anything good to happen either. So what does that say about me? I ask because...well, it's all about me right? Absolutely.

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