The Move....

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Wednesday, October 20, 2004

October 20, 2004

If anyone at works asks me what I want for my birthday, I will say this..."I want to be prevey to something before the general employee population is made aware of it. I want to be trusted. I want to be a part of something, a decision, something. There have been changes at work. I am too busy to try to find out what's going to change; I don't have time to put my ear to the ground. But I want to know." Okay, Okay, I know this isn't about me. I know I have a tendency to personalize it. I just want to feel included. Is that so bad? There have been changes right around me and I wasn't given the info until everyone else was and that doesn't seem right. Of course, who am I to ask for this. Just another loney peon.

I'm joining the Y. Let's see if I stick to it. You have to get in the habit to exercise like you brush your teeth. You do it everyday. (Brush your teeth at least twice though.)

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