The Move....

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Wednesday, September 22, 2004

September 22, 2004

I'm a little annoyed with myself. I went to Buffalo and I did not write...not here...not anywhere. What is the matter with me?

My flight was good even though I had this God awful headache the whole time. I can't complain though. At least the Big D stayed away. It was good to see my mom and dad. Their house is such a mess though. I did do some cleaning for mom though.

Kathy's wedding was nice. There were a lot of people there we hadn't seen in a while. She seemed happy. Michael seemed happy too.

I saw Lori for breakfast on Friday morning. She's going okay but needs to get away from Eric. He is just too abusive. She deserves better. She just can't be alone...she's one of these women who can not stand on her own...she has to have a man in her life. or at least she believes this to be true.

I have to do better at this writing. I will try.

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