The Move....

I have decided to continue by blog at a new location. Please adjust your bookmarks. The new location is:

Thursday, September 09, 2004

September 9th, 2004

Just a quick word here. I can not take a lunch as I must leave in 40 minutes for class.

Philip is leaving tomorrow for Buffalo. I will take him to work and then get him in the afternoon and take him to the airport. I'm looking forward to the time alone but not like I had in the past. I think this is because I know on Wednesday, I too will be flying to Buffalo. The whole travel thing scares me. It is really trust to get on a plane. You are really trusting the pilot and the crew. Yes, I guess you can say that about getting into a car and driving with someone except, your chances of surviving a driver error in judgment is a lot better than a pilot's error in judgement.

Anyway, it will be nice to have the house to myself this weekend. No baseball! There will be football on Sunday though. I will get a lot of my reading done so I don't have to do it in NY.

This morning I saw on Good Morning America a story about this school in Russia where terriorists took it over and killed hundreds of kids. I don't know their reasoning; doesn't seem like anything could justify that anyway. I think the only thing that can happen to stop all this madness is if aliens came down and told us to wise up. This is what we need. Extraterestial scaring the bejesus out of us. This free choice crap isn't working so something else has to do it. Of course, I'm hoping the aliens then leave us and don't hurt us either. Could be a good book.

Back to work for now. Later.

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