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Saturday, July 05, 2008

quotes that just stick with me

"Silence is golden but sometimes it's yellow!" I remember that quote from the original Password with Alan Ludden..when I was a kid. After every show Alan would say a quote he received in the mail from the "home audience." It's just kind of weird how some of the various lines I use today (yes, I didn't make them up) had come from my childhood TV watching.

"Spare me your poisonous barbs for your whims of humor fall on deaf ears." Guess who? Dr. Smith on "Lost in Space." Yeah...remember Promo the robot who kept saying "Warning warning!" and little Will?

"I could never be a nurse. I get whoosing looking at an open faced sandwich." Guess who? Norm on Cheers!

"I haven't been around but...I've been near by." Mary Richards on MTM Show.

"You're mildly unrepugnant." Diane referring to Sam on Cheers!

"He's as gay as a picnic basket." Sophia on The Golden Girls.

Oh, and I lifted this one off my sixth grade English assignment..."Do not compute the number of your barnyard fowls prior to their incubation."

I know...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love your quotes, Eva. Gave me a smile. Like your new pic of you and hubby, too.
Hope your early fall is as lovely as ours - sunny but cool.
Love ya,