The Move....

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Friday, December 26, 2008

I'm in charge

Since my boss is away for the holiday, and my co-worker is out too, I am in charge! Yep! I'm the boss! The Big Cheese!

I'm in control....of me. Yeah, not a whole lot of pull here but since I AM the boss I decided to really crack the whip. I mean it! I was really pushing myself around today...really being in charge. Why, I even sexually harassed myself!

Now, I know that sounds really bad and I probably should turn myself in but all that power? How could I not?

I kept smacking myself on the butt and saying out loud, "Good job honey, good job!" That's the beauty of sexual at least get some positive feedback.

1 comment:

Tamatha said...

LOL! Eva, you are hilarious..