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Sunday, June 14, 2009

Some cool old photos

I found some cool old photos that really struck me. Thought I'd share.
This photo is about 75 years old of my Uncle Bob. . Aside from the ears (just a tad big), this little boy is perfect...perfect eyes, perfect nose, perfect lips.

This is my Aunt Dianne. The photo is probably 50 years old. I have no idea whose house this is but I love the lines of the house. The person taking the photo must have been laying on the ground. It's just a cool shot.

I love this picture of my mom and Aunt Marie (mom's twin) and my Gramma K (left) and Gramma D (right). Gone are the days when you dressed up for brunch at Howard Johnson. I suspect Gramma K raised her girls to dress up for most outings. I can recall my mother questioning my attire when I would take a bus into Buffalo (NY) to go shopping. When she was my age (at the time 17 or so) going shopping at AM&A's or Hengerers was this big event. I guess she was from the June Cleaver era where you dressed up to clean the house. I find this all quite fascinating.

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