The Move....

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Monday, June 22, 2009

Vacation my foot

Hey....I'm writing from my brother's house in cool Angola NY. Sorry to my Okie friends sweating it out while I enjoy cool 75 degree weather. It was raining a lot last week....because my brothers and I were having an estate sale, of course. The sale was over yesterday so today was sunny and just plain beautiful.

Report from the estate sale: we did pretty good; got rid of quite a bit, some big items: dressers, refrigerator, sofas and a recliner. There is still a ton of the little things, household items, coffee mugs, glassware, plasticware, knicky knacky things. I started boxed those up for the Salvation Army.

What do I do with my mom's wedding dress? This is a tough one. I do have sentimental attachment to it...sort of but really-do I need it? I almost feel obligated to take it home. I have my own gown, stored away. I really could go on without another. But I feel bad. I certainly can't throw it out, so what? Know anyone who collects vintage 1950's wedding gowns? I'd love to have room in my house for a Karl and Mary Museum but....well, I don't. Oh what to do.

I sold a Bible. I really didn't know there were Bibles in with the books. I just let them go. Again, how many Bibles does one need to retain. The woman who bought the Bible, brought it back. This is kind of spooky. In the Bible my mother wrote that this particular one had to remain in our family. She actually wrote this and ended it with ...."I will know." Almost like a threat. This kind of freaked the woman out so she brought it back and would not take a refund. So now I have this Bible.

Tomorrow is my last full day here. I have a ton to get done. I need to do as much as I can because I don't want it to all fall on my brothers. They have done so much.

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