The Move....

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Tuesday, April 06, 2010

And now for some levity

How can the word "anxious" mean both worried and eager? I don't get it. If you say, "I'm anxious to meet you," will they think you are worried about it? I'm anxious to find out what my next move is on a project I'm involved in but I'm not the slightest bit worried. I'm looking forward to it actually. I don't get it.

If someone asks, "How was your day?" and you respond, "It was super. How was yours?" Why don't we use an apostrophe after the 's'? Shouldn't it be "how was your's?" I mean, the person owns the day since it is his or her day too. So what's up with that?

Aw..the things that keep me up at night. :)

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