The Move....

I have decided to continue by blog at a new location. Please adjust your bookmarks. The new location is:

Thursday, July 01, 2010

Oh the benefits of having a blog!

It's my blog and I'll cry if I want to...cry if I want to.
Aw...yes, I sometimes write what's on my mind and yes, sometimes it means I'm just spouting out at the finger tips. But this is the beauty of having a blog. You say what you feel and yes, it's based on my own preception. It's my thoughts. And yes, there are other sides to the story. Things that bug me, for example, the Chinese food bit below, can, no doubt, be totally justified...whoever brought in the food could have been out and about on their lunch hour and decided at the last minute to get it; she could be a person that doesn't like to partake in the responsibility of placing other people's orders...there's a whole host of reasons but since I don't know them....I see what I see and I write about it as I see it. That's the amazing thing about having your own blog! Truly.
Now, unlike Jay Leno who I thought was totally unfair to Monica Lewinsky during whole "I did not have sex with that woman!" debunkle, a blog not only presents my opinions but I allow comments! So if anyone disagrees or thinks I'm being one-sided (which truly I am) they are so welcome to share! Yeah...I encourage it!

1 comment:

JKD1958 said...

That’s right! A blog is what you think at the time and should not be used against the person writing it. If we have to be politically correct all the time then we loose out individuality. The blog is rendered useless if we have to put a disclaimer on every time we create one.
(The opinions represented here may or may not represent the person’s writing or persons represented living or dead and any references to such are purely coincidental.)