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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Aw...feeling annoyed...sorry for the rant...but...

It's best I write it here than keep it bottled up, right? Or worse, beat my dog...or my husband. lol...

Things that erk me at the moment:

I'm the one who always organizes a Chinese food lunch; asks everyone if they want in and we get it delivered. I have done this several times and I don't mind doing it...managing the orders and the money and lugging it all up the stairs to our office after it is delivered. But when I see people eating Chinese in the break room on a day I didn't do it; it bothers me. Would it kill you to ask me if I want any? Isn't turnabout fair play?

People who say you're wrong when you call something by a different name. When you call something red but it's really burgundy. Give me a freakin' break. It's kind of red. It doesn't change the context of the story. What's up with that?

People who brag about how great they are as parents. Aw's your job! If you want accolades wait until Mother's Day. Make your kids pay you back when they are out on their own making the big bucks. Yeah, keep a running tally about how hard you had to work so you could buy your daughter a $300 prom dress. EeeeGads...that's insane. I'm sure raising kids is hard..I don't know this from first hand experience but I can imagine. Oh, and one more like boundaries. I know I have no experience in this but it's been proven that if you work really hard and give your kids everything they want; it's not the best thing. Just so you know.

People who monopolize the conversation with stories of people they don't know ..... the lady at Walmart, etc. Okay, if it's an amusing story share it but there has to be an end to it; a punchline. And don't be reiterating the same thing over and over. Time is valuable especially at work. So let's move on.

Management who believe only their time is valuable. When you (as a peon) are in the middle of a conversation with someone and someone in management walks up to who you are talking to and just starts talking to them totally disregarding your very existence. That's down right rude!

Okay...I think I'm better. :)

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