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Wednesday, June 02, 2010

What's Shaking?

Just sitting here at the old HP with the Compaq keyboard contemplating life. Nothing too earth shattering going on. Work is busy as all get out which is good. I like busy. I like the mornings to fly by right smack into a late lunch which leads to what amounts to leaving early. It's not really early but it feels like it is. It's like rubbing mayonnaise on your aching muscles. There's no medical proof that mayonnaise will make your muscles feel better but if you believe it is making you feel better; well, that's half the battle.

I took out of the library an audio book called, "Happy for No Reason." I've been listening to it on the way to work...well, trying to. So often I call my brother, Jim, while I'm driving to work (don't worry Oprah, I got a headset) so that cuts into my audio listening time. Not that I'm complaining; I'd rather talk to Jim. Also, I'm having a love affair with my XM radio. There's a gizzion stations on XM. I've never loved talk radio so much. One of the draw backs to most of the talk stations though is that for every five minutes of programming there's five minutes of commercials. Except for one station that I love, POTUS. There are few commercials there and the content is so good. I suppose it's good to me because I love President Obama and it's definitely Obama friendly. Although Pete Dominic will disagree with the President if he feels it is needed. Anyway, I was listening to "Happy for No Reason" while out at lunch today. Aw...all the happy talk made me sad so I gave up on it and listened to The Highway...Country music with few commercials too boot.

I want to be one of these happy persons. I think, mostly I am, just for some reason, right now I'm in a funk. No clue....not really. It is said that money can't buy you happiness and I believe that to a certain point. There is such a thing as too much money. I believe that...but I still think money can buy you peace of mind. How can you not be happy when you know you're not going to be thrown out of your home or you have enough food and all the other "needs" are and will be met. That to me is peace of mind. Not that you can't be living by the seat of your pants and still be happy....many do it but it depends on your mindset.

I find it interesting how the children of celebrates say they want to "make it" without the help of their famous parents; they want to be a celebrity in their own right. They move out on their own, get a job waiting tables while they do auditions....just like anyone else trying to make it in the biz. The one thing they don't say is that they know, if they fail or if it takes them longer than they imagined, they're not going to starve or be homeless. They have the luxury of a back up plan. If push came to shove, there's a loophole.

The other day, a member of management emailed that she thought I was doing a good job on a particular project. I was totally amazed by this. I wanted to print out the email and affix it to the break room refrigerator. I know, what am I 8? But, this truly made me happy. And yes, I're not supposed to depend on someone elses validation of you....I so get that but it was good. And I couldn't help but mutter under my breath..."well, it's about time."

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