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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Just some thoughts....

Like I have posted on or around this day in the past four years, today would have been my mom's birthday. She and her sister would have been 76. I am sure they had a great party up in heaven. I know, many would say that kind of thing doesn't go on up there; that nothing up there has anything to do with what it was like down here for those who have passed. I just refuse to believe it. I am so sure that my mom and my Aunt Marie are celebrating with all their family who have joined them. The thing is, there are a lot more souls up there than down here....heaven's getting a little top heavy, I'm sure. My mom (and Aunt) have a brother and a sister down on earth....of their entire family that is it. Everyone has passed on from their generation and before. Both of their spouses are up there. My mom even has two nieces with her.

In other news...we had a great day weather wise here in Oklahoma. I believe we hit the lower 80s officially. Not bad for February! I'll take it. Actually lower 80's are higher than needed as far as I'm concerned. I do hear though, that a cold spell is on its way next week ..maybe some snow/rain mix. But's February.

Spread the love: At work we had this campaign where each employee could fill out cards for co-workers acknowledging their recognition of the CARES Program. It was a kind of neat idea. I filled out a few cards, complete with a self-portrait. I also received a few from co-workers. It's nice to know that there are people who truly appreciate your natural borne efforts. You know, some of us try and some of us...well it just comes naturally. I'm not ashamed to say, I'm of the latter. The hard part is, finding people to admit it though. But there are some very bright, very astute colleagues at my office. Praise the Lord.

That's about it for now.

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