The Move....

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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sunday Sunday

I've just made a decision. I know that I have kept my blog more of a place for me to capture my opinions on what's going on in my head as opposed to what's really going on in my life. You know the day to day stuff. I'm boring basically NO ONE because...well in order to bore anyone, one has to have readers to bore and since I basically don' one is bored. I've decided to change all that. I'm going to write day to day stuff that will really put you to sleep. So, gather round those young'ems who refuse to close their little peepers at night because surely this will do the trick.

It is just after 7pm. I made a pretty good dinner, fried rice and a chicken stir fry. We finished eating about an hour ago. And guess what? I'm hungry again! Yeah, that didn't take long. This morning I made chocolate chip banana sugar-free cupcakes. Okay, they were sugar free until I added the chocolate.

It was a great weekend weather wise...highs in the 70s and the winds for Oklahoma were calm...very calm. I know I should have been out there raking leaves but that didn't happen. I should have washed my car too. I should have taken Becca to the doggy park too. Becca has this amazing ability to make me feel guilty. She wants to go do something so bad. She barks and cries and sings all at the same time because she senses I am leaving and she's right. I am but always to go somewhere where dogs are Wal Mart.

I went to Wal Mart today and I made a deliberate effort to check out what people were wearing. I'm sure you have seen those emails about the people at Walmart. There's even a website: I have to say, I did find a couple of people that would fit nicely up on the site. I'm kind of surprised. Usually when I get these emails my first thought is that I never see anyone dress so brizzardly but today I did. I think a lot of it comes from heavy set people who refuse to acknowledge the fact that what they are wearing is perhaps a wee bit tight for them; that maybe the term "age appropriate" does apply to them. But, I am by no means a slave to fashion so I think my judgmental muscle is rather lax than most people.

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