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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Year in Review

Wow, it’s been a cRaZy year, huh?  I can’t believe 2011 is coming to a close.  I think back to what I went through this year and it seems so surreal.  Good gravy.  I think of all the pain in my bones, the fatigue, the pain from radiation, the emotional struggles of finding out some friends could turn their backs on me, the upsetting knowledge that my employer would terminate me in the middle of my treatment…all of that and I have to say it’s totally overshadowed by the fact that I am blessed!  I have the best family, friends, and supporters in the world!

During the first part of my treatment I read many blogs written by women in my position and many of them said that getting breast cancer was a blessing.  I thought “clearly these women have lost their God loving minds.”  Breast cancer; a blessing?  This was right around when Bin Laden was captured and killed.  I had wished our government had brought him back here for a few rounds of Red Devil first before shooting him and burying him at sea.  Chemotherapy is definitely a punishment.  Of course, it’s also a good thing because without it I couldn’t have kicked the snot out of breast cancer. 

But I have to say, I see it now…what these ladies were saying.  Yes, of course I would have liked to have avoided the whole dreadful disease but since I had to go through it, I’ve learned a lot and I guess I can say it was a blessing.  I have never felt such an outpouring of support, love and prayers.  From my family and friends in New York, Florida, Pennsylvania and California to the IT department at my old job; I have truly been blessed.

I know I’ve said it before but Facebook has been wonderful for me.  I have reconnected with so many friends from my past.  I never would have connected with them had it not been for Facebook.  My biggest supporters: Arlene in Texas; Suzanne in Florida; Chris R., Maggie, Janice, Chris Y, Ann and Gemma in New York, Mary Jo in Kansas all became my “friend” on Facebook when I needed them the most.

I do believe, God willing, the worst of it is behind me.  I thank God for seeing me through this.  I will say I’m not an overly religious person, but I do believe in God and I know, he too was there for me. 

I am so hoping you all have a wonderful holiday season and I wish you all the very best in 2012.  Life is good. It really is.
God Bless….Eva

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