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Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Awfical Blues

I'm sitting at my desk in my Awfical (Office+Cubical=Awfical) and I'm going nuts. Love the work. Just can't stand snorting co-worker of substance. He snorts every 60 seconds or so. Grabs whatever bile is in his lung and snorts it into his head so, I imagine, he can swallow it. It is so disgusting! I have complained but apparently it's a "medical condition" and "he can't help it". Yeah, right. I remember a time when I cried a lot at work. I was told it was unprofessional and tears weren't allowed in the workplace. I used to be ashamed of it. Intellectually I knew it was stupid but emotionally...I couldn't stop. Well, by golly it's a medical condition! I can't help it. Don't think nothing of it. It's just my illness. Guess I can save the money on my That's what I'm going to do. Weed of the drugs and just let the tears roll.

Okay..back to work.

1 comment:

BonnyT said...

At least he swallowed it. I had a guy I worked with walk around with an empty Sprite bottle and he horked into that all day....

His wife was one lucky woman, by golly..