The Move....

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Thursday, July 14, 2005

What now?

Okay, my vacation is over until November. Work is busy as can be..even busier than that...they are letting me do overtime which is like so unheard of..."time and a half, what? are you nuts?" School doesn't start until the end of what? Oh, I know...I could work on that short story I started to write for "TRUE STORY." Have you ever read any of those stories? They are so lame but I probably shouldn't say that since I might need to make nicey nicey with the editor (as if). You should look at them at the library. The headlines on the front cover are something like, "My mother caught me masterbating...will I ever see again?" I know I could write better stories than you will find in there. All of them have happy endings where the narrator learns a lesson.

Okay, back to the subject at hand....what's next? I know I should go to a pilates class but the Y has them at 7:45pm and it's hard for me to leave the house once I am home. Phil and I go to the Y three times/week but not usually that late. I go right from work. I hang out a work a while because if you to the Y early, it's too crowded. Everyone wants to get their workout in before dinner. Phil and I eat late usually.

Oh, I could clean my house. Yeah, there's a thought.

I do want to learn more about Access too. I could work on that. I could join the PC Users Group in OKC and go to meetings. I could learn more about investing. There is a lot to learn. I'm just not finding anything here.

I gotta think about it more.


dot said...

You're a great writer, Eva. I think you could get something published.

My mother's friend used to read those magazines. I used to read them when I went to her house. But I remember them as being a little violent towards women. Am I thinking of a different magazine? I don't remember. That was years ago...


Paula...I haven't noticed that. Many of the stories are supposively (is that a word?) written by under-priviledge girls who come around to understand that they are worth something, gosh darn it!

Thanks for the compliment. I sure do appreciate ya!:)