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Friday, December 07, 2007

Why do I Cry?

I have been plagued with this unexplained condition all my life. I cry. I mean it, like a baby. It's so embarrassing because I do it at work and then I get mad at myself for doing it which makes me cry even more.

It doesn't happen all the time...just every 6 weeks or so, I have a meltdown. Mostly it's because I perceive that someone is disappointed in me. It could be a casual comment or the rehashing of a mistake I did weeks ago that can set me off. But I can't stop it.

Technically I believe it's a medical condition. I worked somewhere where a man there had a problem with snorting. It was a constant distraction for me and when I complained about it, I was told it was a medical condition and he couldn't help it so there was nothing management could do. I've been told that I need to work on this problem of being so sensitive that it leaves me in tears; that it is distracting to my co-workers and unprofessional. Well, it's a medical condition just like the snorter. If someone has chronic hiccups, could management hold it against him during the review process? Fortunately, my melt downs don't happen all the time but they happen. I can try to control it but there is no way I can guarentee an end to it.

I wish there were a way I could be hypnotized so that when I feel threatened to the point of tears, I will smile and just sigh and move on. Today I was praying to God that I could have a split personality and that my alter would kick in and she'd be tough....she wouldn't care if someone was disappointed in me...she would just shrug it off until the urge to cry subsided and then I - me - would come back. I know, I watch to many soap operas.


Unknown said...

This is an interesting condition. I don't know - my theory has always been when you feel like cryng, don't hold it back.
I think the world needs more sensitive and caring people who care if they disappoint others.
Maybe there needs to be a cry room at work where anyone can go when they need to have a good one.

Cindy said...

Sweet cuz! U R not alone. After having my Jon I cry for nothing. It could be a commerical on T.V. or just a look someone does. So have strength in when u do cry because u r not alone. love cindy