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Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Facebook bans Breast-Feeding

Okay...I'm not a mother; I'll never be a mother so maybe I have no right to blog about this...but since it is my blog, I will. Facebook apparently has removed photos from blogs that show mothers breast-feeding. Well, they will allow it if the breasts are covered enough.

There are many ladies who are upset with this. (article) I just have a hard time understanding why it's so important to share photos of your child breast-feeding. Why would you show them? I just don't get it. Yes, it's a wonderful nuturing event, no doubt. But one that is needed to be shared? I'm not getting it.


Jessica said...

It's like what I always think and am afraid to say outloud. I have lots of breast feeding friends!

While I don't think it's obscene, I also don't think it's appropriate to share with the world. Heyt, going to the bathroom is a private, intimate experience but we don't post pictures going to the bathroom!

Tamatha said...

I breastfed all three of my children and it was an incredible experience. While I do wish I had some tasteful (no pun intended) pictures of them nursing (not showing my breast) I wouldn't want to share them with anyone..