The Move....

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Friday, January 16, 2009

OKay...Here we go Again!

It was 2 years and 16 days ago that Phil lost his job the first time. Well, it's happened again. He got his walking papers this afternoon.

It's not as bad this time. I mean it has the same implication but things are a bit better. I have a better job than last time. I have my own insurance through this job when last time I was covered through his employer and subsequently, COBRA. To cover Phil on my policy is a little less than COBRA, not a whole lot but...since I work for a medical group, all doctor visits are covered 100%.

We had some work done on the house when he had gone back to work and now. This means that if we have to sell, our house is more ready. I hope it doesn't come to this though but we will see.

I was going to do the Dave Ramsey I will have no choice but to eat Ramon noodles and stop eating out.

I know we can do this. We can get through this. We have a new president coming into office next week. He says he's going to make things better. He's all about helping the unemployed. It's going to be okay. I know it. Now I have to get Phil to know it.


Jessica said...

I'm so sorry. I can't imagine how scary that is, how frustrating that is in today's economy. You've got a great attitude about everything...understanding what you CAN do if needed while hoping you won't have to go that far.

There are jobs out there, especially here in OK. I'll pray he finds the perfect one and this is just a blip on the radar. Hope things start looking up!


Thank you so much Jessica. I appreciate your support. Now that a few days have passed and reality is starting to kick in; I have determined that reality really sucks.

I know I need to trust in God and know he will do what is best. It's in his hands. I need to find comfort in that.
Thanks again.

bubba said...

Sorry he got the axe yet again. I've been layed off twice - but from 2 different companies - he managed to get layed off twice by the same company.

My motto - Life sucks and then you die.

I get rss feeds from (returns open jobs gleaned from monster, dice, etc) - I thought it would only show me Java jobs but it looks like it finds Oracle jobs too.

a couple of Oracle type jobs in Okc...

Good luck.

Tamatha said...

Wow Eva, I'm so sorry. I believe in the power of prayer-adding you to my list now :)