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Tuesday, September 18, 2007


It seems that I have been allotted this certain amout of pain each day and whoever is administrating this pain gets to decide what body-part to pick on each day. Yesterday it was my lower back; last week it was my left wrist and elbow. Before that it was the shoulder. The shoulder today is apparently the lucky recipient again. Over the weekend it was my left ankle. It's totally arbitrary.

I have said that pain should be allocated based on how good a person is. This makes so much sense to me. We wouldn't need jails because if you were bad, like say a rapist or murderer, you'd be rendered incapacitated and raising your head up would be all you could muster. You'd welcome the death penalty.

We wouldn't need courts because the punishment would fit the crime. Arthritis for tax evaders; allergies for traffic violations; bigger bone breaks for the bigger felonies – a broken back for aggravated assault; a broke arm for purse snatching; Terminal cancer for first-degree murder or rape.

Now, I know, some pain is good because then you’d know something was wrong and you’d get it treated. There would have to be some kind of system instilled so people would know the injury or illness was caused by bad behavior or not. This system would mean that good people would be perfectly healthy all their life. I suppose the question of how long a life a good person could have would have to be determined. Obviously we can’t live forever and the death of a good person would mean extra points to their good offspring or beneficiary if their choosing.

Some would say that God gives us free will and we are suppose to choose the correct way. Unfortunately, this system is flawed. It works to a certain extent but not completely. My system has so many merits to it. Everyone will try like the dickens to be good. If they knew they could get a high out of being good, I mean a real physical high, like when you take a pain pill - the better a person they will be– what could be better than that?


~Sherice~ said...

I like how you think Eva! Good thing you're a good person. Your powers, if used for evil, could be dangerous!

I hope you're pain has eased for you.


Thanks Sherice.
Where's your blog?