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Friday, September 07, 2007

Such a Commotion

I guess numbers 73 and 74 have caused a stir. My friends think differently about letting their husbands do things with other woman. I just don't get that. If Phil asks me if I want to see the latest shootem-up-car-chasen-crashing-dark-fast-moving-thriller-movie out at the theatre I would say no. If his lady co-worker, or a woman he knows, wants to see it with him, what's the big deal? I know how he feels about me. He knows how I feel about him. There's no harm, no foul.

Okay, some may say that it's flirting with disaster...I'm allowing the stage to be set for something else to happen. I know my husband. After 22 years, I should. His heart isn't going to wander any more than his hands will. And, to respond to those who say, "oh, I trust my husband, I just don't trust another woman;" there is just no way, Phil would allow anything to happen if she had some crazy idea to start something. I just know this to be true. I just do.

This is not to say I wouldn't complain if he asked her before asking me, on the off chance that I had aquired a taste for shootem-up-car-chasen-crashing-dark-fast-moving-thriller-movies. I don't care for these movies; I know he likes them, why should he go alone? Same for baseball. This is sheer bordom for me. I have gone; I have brought books. If SuzieQ in Phil's department happens to be a big Redhawks fan...well, "have fun. Here's a five for a beer." Not a problem. I know he'll be home after the game. He knows I'll be waiting for him.

To me, it is a matter of trust. Plain and simple.

Some will say I should just go with him even though it's not my thing. I have done this but I know in the end I am doing him a disservice. I have another friend who does everything with her husband. He's a big car fan; loves cars; loves to go to car shows and look under the hood and check the interior and talk car. They don't have the money to ever buy one but he loves to look. She goes to car shows with him and by her own admission says after the first 45 minutes, it's repetitive and boring to her. After the first hour of feinting interest, she gets sarcastic and answers his glee of discovery with "yeah, whatever." She heads off to the ladies room to break up the monotony. Soon her disinterest becomes so apparent, he gets annoyed with her. She's not enjoying herself and he feels bad for putting her through it.

Why not let him go with someone who shares this interest equally? So what, if it happens to be a woman?

Phil hates to go to thrift shops with me. Oh, he's good the first 15 minutes but after he's cased the place, he's done. He follows me around or goes and sits in the car. We're really not doing this together afterall so why bother. (Although, I would rather go alone and not have a thrift sh0p partner at or woman.)

In the spirit of doing things together, we will stick with the things we are both interested in: eating out; watching football on TV; watching a favorite TV show; an occasional movie that we both want to see.

This is what we have done for over 20 years. I think it works.

1 comment:

The Noodle said...

That is a great question and I don't consider it rude at all. The bible says to ask and you shall receive. That doesn't mean that you will get what you want but what God feels you need. You have to know me and the situation to know what I am praying for. I have lost money on the rent house and my renters moved out without notice. I have a 2 year old who has gone through 5 open heart surgeries and has his biggest one coming up soon. So the profits from that sale are going to take care of my sons heart surgery. Also I do pray for financial gain often, I am a business man and use the profits I make to better God's Kingdom (mission work) I recently returned from Nicaragua helping those people build a new church and other things they needed. My next trip will be to Uganda, Africa. So it is the reason for why you want the money. To close i will answer your last question which was isn't God busy enough with problems in the world to be bothered with these requests. The answer is NO. God is so powerful, almight, and AWESOME that he can handle any and ALL of our prayers. So I encourage you that what ever is going on in your life Please send your request to God and don't forget the praise and thankyou's for all the wonderful things in your life. God Bless you.
P.S. We would love to have you visit our church in Edmond. Edmond Church of Christ. 9th Street & Bryant Ave. If you want to come you can call us. My name is Chris & my wife is Lacy
405-201-5869 Cell phone