The Move....

I have decided to continue by blog at a new location. Please adjust your bookmarks. The new location is:

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

National Blog Month

November is National Blog Month. I signed up for this ...contest of sorts..where you have to blog every day in November. There are prizes too. Nothing huge. Blogging each day gets you an entry into a drawing so it's not like you automatically win but it sounds so fun. Also, it motivates me to write and I know I need help with motivation there. So, get set for November...I'm writing each day. And hopefully you're reading. :)


Ari_1965 said...

You asked about the Nablopomo logo? There are different styles available on a link on their website. I chose one, copied the supplied HTML into Notepad (start menu, all programs, accessories, notepad). Then log into your blog, and choose Customize from up at the top right. One of the various little blocks on your template should read, in blue, Add a Page Element. Click on that, locate HTML/JavaScript and click on Add to Blog. When the pop-up window opens, copy the Nablopomo HTML code you put on Notepad into the Content area (it's not necessary to fill in the Title box). Hit Save Changes. It then places the logo in your template as the first thing in your sidebar. To see it, click Preview. To save it, Click Save. To move it around, click and hold the actual little box containing the element (it's very clunky to maneuver). Let me know if you run into trouble and I'll try to help.

Btw, I think all the Nablopomo logos are ugly. I tried modifying mine to better colors, but couldn't get it to work.

Unknown said...

Cool about the contest - are you willing to pass on the info?