The Move....

I have decided to continue by blog at a new location. Please adjust your bookmarks. The new location is:

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


My chiropractor has an erasable message board on the wall. They always have some sappy message on it like, "Tell a friend a chiropractor can help" Today's message was...

"Referrals are easy when you care."

I told them they should change it to make it more catchy. Something like...

"Referrals are hard when you don't give a shit."

For some reason, they didn't agree. Hmmm.


Unknown said...

Oh, Eva,
You always make me laugh. Ha!
By the way, since you posted a comment on my site, you're eligible for the daddy of all giveaways.
What model exactly would you like?!
Love you,


The one that With isinglass curtains y' c'n roll right down
In case there's a change in the weather

Unknown said...

Ohhh, you're a big fan of Oklahoma - the musical I mean - too!
Seriously, I had that record in middle school and I memorized every single song on it.
To this day, fifty years later, I can sing along to the Oklahoma soundtrack.
Love you,