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Sunday, October 23, 2011


I don't like Halloween.  Not really.  I like it when the kids dress up like fun light characters like a princess or a fireman or someone not spooky. I don't like spooky characters because I scare easily.  I never watch horror movies or even movies where many of the scenes are in a dark setting.  Heck, I get scared watching reruns of Little House on the Prairie.  It's scary when they play that spooky music when Charles go out to check on the chickens in the chicken coop.

I love to check out the costumes of the little ones who come to my door.  They are so adorable.  Of course, Becca wants to check them out too.  It's so cute when one of them will say, "Oh, what a cute doggy."

"No, she's really a cat but she has on her dog costume," I'll tell them.

"Really?" They'll ask.  Too cute.

This year, Phil and I are invited to a Halloween party.  I have no idea what to go as.  I opted to go as a boy since cleavage-wise that's not too far a stretch but Phil won't hear of going as a girl and the pair is exactly that...a pair. So, I'm back to square one.  I don't have any money to buy or rent a costume so that leaves me to create find stuff around the house or things I can get at a thrift store.  Yeah, nothing is coming to me.  And time is ticking away.

Halloween candy is terribly expensive too.  We always over buy.  I don't know why we buy it.  I have this huge jar of condiment packets...won't they make good Halloween treats?  Why not? What kid couldn't use a packet of Duck Sauce or Arby's Horsey Sauce?  They come in bite sized little packets.  Oh oh, I know...I can give the little kids Hersey Bars and the big kids...the ones sporting facial hair, wearing their, "I won't be doing this next year" costume....Burger King Dipping Sauce!

I remember when I was a kid, I walked in the Village Halloween parade as a window.  Seriously, I had a cardboard box around me with a window cut out in the front, complete with curtains.  I carried a sign that said, "I'm a window, not a pain." Bahahaha...yeah, that was my mom's idea.  

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