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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Cancer Treatment Update

Remember: Not complaining - just informing!

I'm two-thirds into my radiation treatment and it's, as expected, getting harder and harder.  On Saturday morning the radiation site looked fine. On Sunday, my chest area was dark brown; the area near my collarbone and by my shoulder was red - sunburn "pass the Solarcaine" red.  I saw the doctor today and she says that this happens - where you're fine one day and the next you're a little crispy.  I told her the brown area looks dirty.  She assures me it's not. She actually says my skin looks good considering all it's been through.  I'm freaking out a little. I know, it will go away but know.  Also, I've been very tired - really tired.  I get up in the morning and take my pills, take Becca for a walk and then I'm pretty much done - looking to lay down.  And it's not a short's at least two hours.  I thought I was done with this but apparently not.
On the Halloween front...I am going as a boy. Yeah, I'm working it. Phil's going to be a doctor. That's pretty benign.  Guess we both are....bahahaha. 

From Facebook:

I'm going to a Halloween Party as a BOY!!!!! Because i can!!!!! Bahahahaha....
Mary Jo Borzelleri Miller Ok, but only because you want to. Breasts don’t define a woman, having them removed to save your life makes you a brave, smart, living woman. A survivor - not a boy.
Chic Ciccarella Bazydlo I agree Mary Jo, but I also know (as do you) Eva's sense of humor..of course we're all proud of her strength, courage and success. :)
Christine M. Ralph That a girl Eva.....
Mary Jo Borzelleri Miller Will you be a famous boy, like Justin Bieber, or just any boy? And will Phil still hold your hand?
Don Feldman ata girl good for you
Eva Dinkuhn Mahoney Phil is going as a doctor...a pretty benign costume...that makes two of us! Bahahaha...get it? Benign? :D
Joe Jackie Androff Bracco You are too funny, love the positive attitude!
Margaret Dick Laughter is, indeed, the best medicine.
Maureen Harrison you make me smile!
Heather L. Macpherson-Kasperek LOL - pictures, please!
Christine Ferguson Yawney Eva, your strength and courage show just what kind of a woman you are...with or w/o breasts!

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