The Move....

I have decided to continue by blog at a new location. Please adjust your bookmarks. The new location is:

Friday, August 19, 2005

Got a confession to make...

Phil went home yesterday..for 11 days! I feel so bad because as I sit here at work I think, "I'm home alone!" and I feel...glee! Pure unadulterated GLEE!!!! I feel guilty about this, but I can't help but feel happy about not having to be subject to baseball on the television or on the Internet; not having to eat at certain scheduled times; not having to plan my getting-ready-for-work activities around anyone elses schedule. I can have Cherios for dinner if I want! I can read in the livingroom because I can keep the television--a novel idea--OFF! I can get a pizza for dinner and it will last me 5 meals! How bad am I?

I might get really deviant too and get a coconut cream pie and eat the whole friggin thing myself right from the using a plate (not in one sitting, I'm not THAT bad).

For 11 days I can work on my writing; clean the house; organize my "stuff"; read all the books I have out of the library ...4 right now! Be free!!! Be free!!!! How bad am I?


dot said...

Not bad at all.

Enjoy your vacation!

BonnyT said...

Your post made me howl with sounded as though I was talking ot my Mom when my Dad goes away...

The only difference with her is it isn't Cheerios for supper...its fried egg sandwiches...surprisingly her cholesterol is perfect...

Enjoy your rest, Eva...